NEIU Local Hack Day

by admin


The First Place Prize

Used a light sensor to detect when the lights were off and would turn on the Christmas lights and use a RasperryPy to make them light up in time to the music.

Opening Ceremony:

Watch a video of the event here:

On December 1st Northeastern Illinois University hosted its very own hackathon! The event was a huge success drawing a total of 44 people including students from NEIU, Triton College and even students from local high schools! The event was organized by the Computer Science Society and Game Maker Club with Claudiu Moise taking the role of lead supervisor.

The event was part of the Local Hack Day meta-event hosted by Major League Hacking that attracted more than +7000 STEM students from across +40 countries. MLH is the official hackathon sponsor for student hackathons throughout the United States and were official sponsors of this event.

The best part? NEIU was the only university to host this event in the entire city of Chicago! Talk about an open market!

What is a hackathon?

Hackathons are learning focused invention marathons where participants dream up fun, interesting projects and work in small teams to bring them to life! Participants are given categories and are encouraged to use their creativity to make a project that stretches the boundaries of technology!

Hackathons are a great opportunity to work with technology you’ve never tried before!

Another big perk of hackathons is that many companies use these events as a way of recruiting CS students for jobs and internships! Most of the time there is also plenty of free food, free T-shirts/goodies, technical workshops to learn new skills, and prizes for winners of the competition!

Our own Hackathon had a 1st place prize of $80 worth of Amazon gift cards to be split among the team. There was also a 2nd place prize featuring some Microsoft branded socks (because why not).

Check out some photos of the event:
